ARPAS-UK Regulation Special Interest Group


  • Contribute to the development in the UK of proportionate regulations and standards
  • Develop a feedback loop in a collaborative approach with the CAA and other key stakeholders on a quarterly basis
  • Make an impact and drive change through contribution of expertise when it matters: formulate and disseminate proposals to issues and priorities identified.
  • Provide members with a safe and neutral place to exchange among potential competitors, and keep current on latest developments


  • Respond to consultations by the CAA and DfT
  • Respond to proposals to comment on publications before their official publications, or on new policies
  • Organise a subset of volunteers “on stand-by”, experts who may be called upon to provide that quick review of publications under embargo
  • Collate views and feedback from members in order to maintain the list of priorities wrt regulation and oversight that can form the basis for regular feedback to the CAA
  • Formulate technical proposals to specific regulatory priorities identified, based on the REG SIG pool of expertise, for example on new PDRAs.
  • Review list of priorities and ongoing technical proposals in REG SIG meetings on a quarterly basis
  • Communicate back to ARPAS-UK members, the CAA, other stakeholders and forum
  • Time permits, prepare views on regulation and disseminate position papers to influential stakeholders


REG SIG is open to all member who volunteer to contribute, and select non-members stakeholders. Members can belong to several SIGs, and have several representatives in a SIG. The point of SIG is to exchange and contribute. Members who miss 2 meetings unexcused, or have not contributed for 6 months, may be removed from the REG SIG.


Quarterly virtual meetings, covering a minima the following items agenda:

  • Consultations and publications, past and upcoming
  • The list of priorities wrt regulation and oversight: feedback collated, priorities update
  • Ongoing activities to develop technical proposals on specific issues
  • Key committee meetings,  past and upcoming: attendance, key take-aways
  • Preparing the communication to the CAA and other stakeholders

Organisation – Administration

Most members, and ARPAS-UK directors, have a business to run or other full-time activities beside their involvement as part of the association. Their time is precious.

Organisation will strive to make it as easy as possible to contribute, and make it as “admin-lite” as possible. The meetings may be recorded so that members may review at a convenient time, and to limit the need for detailed formal notes.

The REG SIG lead is nominated by ARPAS-UK directors, based on his/her expertise, project management skills, and availability to drive the group forward.