Flight Restriction Zones, Airspace Restrictions


Flight Restriction  Zones

Reference CAP: CAP722C UAS Airspace Restrictions Guidance and Policy

Flight Restriction Zones (FRZ) are established around aerodromes and space sites. 

Details regarding the exact dimensions of each FRZ (and, where applicable, Runway Protection Zones) are published in the UK AIP (Section ENR 5.1 Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas). FRZ information is also made available to UAS operators on the NATS AIS website via visual and electronic formats as explained below.
FRZ data is available to developers in electronic formats which can be accessed via the NATS AIS website.

NATS map of airspace restrictions

A number of drone apps provide a map of those FRZ, for example:

Altitude Angel Drone Safety Map



Airspace Restrictions

Airspace restrictions must be established using the process set out in CAP722C.

Below is a basic introduction to types of airspace restriction that may affect the operation of a UA.

  • Restricted Areas
    An airspace of defined dimensions within which the flight of UAS and/or manned aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions. Restricted Areas may be temporary or permanent.
  • Danger Areas
    Airspace which has been notified as such, within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may take place or exist at notified times.
    Examples of Danger Areas include military sites where activities take place at certain times that may be dangerous to UAS and/or manned aircraft.
  • Prohibited Areas
    An airspace of defined dimensions within which the flight of UAS and manned aircraft is prohibited. Prohibited Areas may be temporary or permanent.


Local Authority Restrictions

Local authorities, like any landowner, may usually impose restrictions on the taking off or landing of a UAS from their own lands, usually through byelaws. (CAP722C, Art. 4.3).