How is your PDRA01/OSC application or renewal with the CAA going? Give feedback.

Complete our survey HERE.

Let’s collate feedback about improvements and remaining issues, so we can share with the CAA, in a constructive manner, as a community, and collectively improve.

If you remember, we had published the outcome of our members’ survey in December 2022, and that included feedback on the operational authorisation process. Click HERE to review it. In a few words, the key challenges identified end 2022 were:

  • the CAA’s response time to applications, especially for OSCs (and ACP but that is another topic and different feedback form)
  • the quality and clarity of feedback
  • the lack of consistency between inspectors and over time.

Please share your feedback on applications submitted in 2023 (not 2022).

In your responses, please be as specific as possible, with details, dates and numbers, so we can evidence positions. We need facts, not opinions!

And you may complete the form more than once until year end if you have additional return of experience to share.

Thank you for your contributions.

26 June 2023