Women in Aviation & Aerospace Charter

With International Women’s Day – 8 March 2024 – on the horizon, we thought this a good opportunity to remind our members and the wider drone industry of who and what the Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter is.

The Charter was founded in 2018 at the Farnborough International Airshow with over 200 companies committing to supporting women in a more balanced and fair industry for women. The aviation and aerospace sectors are world-leading, and to sustain this industry we need to ensure that we have access to a diverse range of innovators and leaders of the future. With currently fewer than 5% of commercial pilots, and fewer again in the drone industry, being women, there is a recognised shortage of women in this sector.

The Charter looks to support the progression of women into senior roles in the aviation and aerospace sectors, and aspires to see gender balance at all levels across aviation and aerospace. It recognises that a balanced workforce is good for business – it is good for customers and consumers, for profitability and workplace culture, and is increasingly attractive for investors. In becoming a signatory, organisations are pledging their actions to help make this a reality.

Signatories and supporting organisations from within the drone industry include (abridged): ARPAS-UK, The Civil Aviation Authority, The Department for Transport, Cranfield University, ADS, Draken, NATS, The Royal Aeronautical Society and many more.

Highlights of the organisation are the practical steps that are advocated via the Resource Hub, with a step by step guide on the journey to gender balance. Many of these lessons can be applied to other personnel areas too and are highly recommended reading for diversity and inclusivity of all people in the workforce.

ARPAS-UK signed the Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter as a Supporting Signatory in the autumn of 2019 and we recommend other companies in the drone industry to join too. With practical resources and networking events, why not benefit from the knowledge and experience of others in the aviation and aerospace industry?

Other resources for supporting women in your company: